Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Reasons To Make A Small Solar Panel

Our Earth has less and less energy resources such as oil, coal and natural gas. On the other hand, it abounds in renewable energy sources – sun, wind, waves, geothermal energy, these are all very powerful and virtually inexhaustible energy sources that if start using we'd have free energy for centuries to come.

I don't want to contemplate on why our governments still want us to use oil and gas instead of solar power and wind, because I frankly cannot explain such idiotic attitude without going into the realm of some conspiracy theory. What I do want to talk about here is that every one of us can, and should, start using renewable energy to power our houses.

Solar panels are indeed expensive if you want to buy ready-made products form the big retail companies, but they ARE quite cheap if you decide on doing them yourself. Make your own solar panels! It is really not that hard, and not expensive at all.

Here's what you can do to get your feet wet – make a small solar panel first, power up an appliance in your home with it, see how many you can save per month with just this one small solar panel. Soon you will want to make another one, and after that power your whole house.

You can slip the grip of electric companies, not paying them a dime ever again, but instead selling them the energy you make!!! (read more on this in this post – next post link)

In order to make a small solar panel you will need a good guidebook. It could get really tricky to surf around the web looking for solar panels diy manuals. Many of us have been there and done that. The solution to this is to focus your attention to one quality guidebook that will lead you by the hand on your maiden journey through the renewable energy world.

Here at website you can find a great guidebook that will take you by the hand and show you step by step everything you need to know about making a solar panel on your own.